Tuesday, June 18, 2013

After Earth

I wish I hadn’t looked at any reviews for this movie before I saw it, Adam Kempenaar from the podcast filmspotting says he never reads reviews before he sees a movie. It might be a good idea for me to do the same after the experience I had with After Earth. I read from multiple sources that this was a bad movie that the younger Smith ruined with his poor acting. I admit I had issues with his acting at different points during the movie but overall I thought he was effective and I definitely did not think that he ruined the movie. The first thing I think when I consider other peoples bad reviews for this movie is what were they expecting from this movie? The premise is Will Smith and his son get marooned on a future earth filled with dangerous animals that evolved to kill humans because we ruined the planet. I didn’t expect an Oscar contender from this movie. I expected a summer movie that was action packed and was a fun 90 to 120 minutes. That is exactly what I got from this movie. I think other reviews expected a little to much from this flick. This movie was very pleasant visually. The scenery was beautiful yet menacing and the animals were terrifying, just what you want in a movie like this. There really isn’t much else to say about this movie considering the story line was as thin as a feather. I enjoyed the movie and I wouldn’t bat an eye at watching it again on HBO or something. I would give this movie a 6 out of 10. Here is a link to the trailer and the rotten tomatoes reviews for this movie.

Monday, June 10, 2013

The purge

I was not excited for this movie when I got to the movie theater last night to watch this movie. From the trailers for the movie it looked like a boring rehash of the same kind of thriller where there are a few unique death scenes and maybe some nudity and then 90 minutes or so later they wrap it up poorly. I thought about it during the movie more deeply and I came to the realization that the story had more teeth to it than that. The thought process for this movie was the logical conclusion to the Republican ideology. The people who make a lot of money should be protected and the people who don’t need to work harder and pick themselves up to be successful. The term for this kind of sending an argument to absurdity is called reduction ad absurdum. That is a Latin mouthful but it means to reduce an argument or hypothesis to absurdity, by pushing the arguments, premises or conclusions to their logical limits and showing how ridiculous the consequences would be, thus disproving or discrediting the argument. I think that is some fertile ground to get a movie into and can lead to hard questions being asked that could lead to some genuine thought provoking material but it fizzled at the hands of the people involved of making this movie. There was an offshoot story line that involved Ethan Hawkes’ characters daughter and her boyfriend that I felt was thrown in to make the political undertones less on the nose and to add some minutes to a very short running time. I think this movie could have been good with a more capable writer/director teaming behind the scenes. Overall I did enjoy this movie but it is one of those disappointing movies that you know could have been much more than it was. Ethan Hawke turned in a believable performance while some of the other actors were not that good. This movie could have benefited greatly from a few more stars attached to it because the story just wasn’t enough for some of the lesser known actors in this movie. I would give this movie 6 out of 10 because it was a fun watch and I look forward to seeing scenes in passing on movie channels in the future. Here are links to the trailer and different reviews on this movie.


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Hangover 3

I am going to give this review as much thought as the writers seemed to give to putting this together. I am not certain that this movie should even be called a comedy. The movie peppers in moments of awkward comedy that has been the staple of this franchise. I am tired of this series and I am very happy to see that it is over. The only good things (in my opinion) about this movie are Zach Galifinakis and Ken Jeong. The characters themselves aren’t the good thing about this movie it’s the actual actors. Ed Helms and Bradley Cooper are wonderful and I have enjoyed seeing them in other movies and will continue to enjoy them going forward. In this movie, Ed Helms and Bradley Cooper seemed disinterested with their parts and for good reason. The characters had nothing new to offer because there was no thought put into developing them further going into this movie. I confess to not seeing the second hangover movie for this very reason, I just can’t take an interest or invest emotionally in a character that has nothing new to offer. So this is going to be short because I honestly don’t remember a thing from this movie. I just remember not being disappointed because you have to have high expectations to feel disappointed. I am going to give this movie a 4 out 10 for no other reason than Zach and Ken. Here is a link to a trailer for this and a link to other reviews of the movie.