Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Star trek: into darkness

I never got around to seeing any star trek shows or movies in the past so I came into this one with a truly blank slate. With that being said I enjoyed this movie from start to finish. This is an example of a 3D movie that looks wonderful in 2D as well. I prefer 2D because sometimes 3D feels like an after thought or a gimmick and I am unwilling to shell out extra money for a poorly handled add on. This movie was stunning visually; I had no issues with the way this movie looked. The actors in this movie were great as well, they added to the enjoyment for me. I can’t get enough Simon Pegg even if it is small roles like Scottie. The story was very topical and I felt drawn in by the elements from beginning to end. They want to go after an international terrorist but they debate whether it is morally right to end a human life even if it is a terrorist. This feels like the debate we had over the Boston bomber suspect to me. People I love and respect said they wish we had killed him instead of trying to capture him and give him his day in court. They trick the villain into thinking they had killed everything he loved so he decided to try an even larger act of terrorism. This is reminiscent of the real life struggle we have with terrorists who think their only way to victory is by perpetrating ever larger acts of terror. Now that I have gushed over the movie for this long it is time for me to air some grievances I have with the movie. When Kahn crashes his ship into the earth he knocks down countless buildings with countless innocent people in them and the movie doesn’t even address the mass loss of life we all just witnessed. During the climax of the film Spock comes down from the enterprise to try to capture or kill Kahn for all the acts of terror he has done and he eventually ends up capturing him, after he has him we don’t hear anything about what happened with him. Did they throw the book at him and leave him in jail for life or did they decide to hang him for his crimes, we just don’t know. Even with those plot holes (what movie doesn’t have a couple) I think this is a very good, re-watchable movie overall. I would give this movie 7 out of 10 for a ranking. A good movie that is worth your ten bucks and some of your time.


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